Tuesday, March 30, 2010


1st election of 2010 . Another confrontation in politic between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. Which party will win this election? Can candidates from both party deliver their promise to the resident of Ulu Selangor?

Hope both party can provide good candidate to the people of Ulu Selangor because those candidate will be representing the people of Ulu Selangor . Intense situation will be all over the town, because candidates from both party will be arguing about their abilities, specialities and changes they will bring to the people of Ulu Selangor .

Its up to the people of Ulu Selangor to analyze and decide which candidates are good for them. Those candidates will deliver all kind of promises to attract voters, so its up to the people of Ulu Selangor as voters to practice their right and vote for the right candidate so that they would not be felt cheated after the election.

Candidates will deliver all kind of promises, badmouthing the other candidate just to win voters vote. Those candidate will use vague words to convince people so they will be elected. Some candidate wanted to win the election for their own goodness, some wanted to help the resident. What the voters need to do is choose a candidates that they trust and know that the candidate can deliver what he/she promised. Dont ever trust on all those empty promises. How to decide for the best candidate? In term of abilities or promises or criteria? What the best those candidate can offer? People of ulu kelang must see if the promises and changes that the candidate precede and focus on will bring good changes for them in the future. Unsuitable changes might bring to more problem. Hope this election will run well no choas will be happen and the people of Ulu Selangor can choose right candidate to represented them.


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