Thursday, April 1, 2010


Yesterday i seen the movie invictus its good story . A lot of moral value . This movie based on true story . This movie about nelson mandela to reunite people in south africa . Where black people and white people are dislike each other . Nelson mandela have been prison in a robben island . Him was released in 1990 after nelson mandela was release he was elected as south africa president in1994 .

When he was elected as a president he want delete policy of apartheid . One day there are friendly betweeen south africa and england he was attend the game springbok . He see the black people are cheering england while white people are cheering springbok . He knowing that the south africa will host Rugby World Cup 1995. He manage to see the south african sport committe so they not change the springbok name, team and colour . After that nelson mandela see the captain south african rugby steven pieenar . Purpose him want to see pieenar is so the springbok can gain support and unite black people so the country can unite and nelson mandela also share the poem invictus he was wrote while he still in prison . This poem was inspiring him while he was in the prison . People and the cabinet of nelson mandela didn't like the idea mandela was brought using the sport to unite nations . The black people are stronger against the nelson mandela they don't want to support the idea mandela was brought

this things has change the player springbok began to interact with the people while springbok player training at outside . During the first game the springbok gain the support by black people . All the citizen in south africa began to like the springbok . The springbok reach the final they didn't expect that the springbok can reach the final . The final the springbok meet all black the most succesful rugby team in the world and the all black are favourite to win this world cup . Springbok get their home crowd support . Pienaar motivate their teammates overcome the doubts and push the body to the limits . After the game was tie in extratime the fly half springbok do long drop kick and the the springbok win the final by 15- 12 . mandela and piennar meet at he field and they celebrate their win in front their crowd . Maandela told the pieenar thanks for his service to the nations but pienaar insist that mandela deserved real thanks .In one particular scene, some white police officers celebrate by hoisting a young black boy, who had been lingering near their vehicle to listen to the radio broadcast of the game, onto their shoulders.
When i see this movie i inspired by nelson mandela . Nelson mandela is good critical thinker when he was brought the idea using the sport can unite the nations many poeple are against their idea a lot of arguement about their idea . the criteria nelson mandela have good critical thinker is clarity thats which is true can be expressed clearly clarity in expresion is sign of intelligence . Obscurity the experission is the sign that the one doesn't really understand the idea the one is expressing . Another criteria is relevance, irrelevance can distract people from the point but truly never help to prove the point . Implicit conlcusion of this story is sport can unite the nations . Implicit premise is springbok win rugby world cup 1995 a young black boy and some white poloce officer celebrate by hoisting a young black boy who had been lingering near their vehicle to listen to the radio broadcast of the game final between springbok and all black
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


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