Monday, April 5, 2010


Yesterday i was see in astro awani they talk about malaysian higher education and just now i was learning type of research in critical thinking i would like to do some research in Malaysian higher education . i think archival research suitable for me because The examination of existing records for the purpose of confirming a hypothesis to research about malaysian higher education. the records were compiled by persons who were knowledgeable and qualified. the records were compiled using good generalisations from sample to population. Malaysia higher education is more focus in acedamic not focus another learning soft skill . malaysia education system also just focus on cgpa . eventhough they got 4 flat in exam they didn’t know other skill they just know about their learning in their university . The university should make the student know about the general knowledge . truth what the panel say about the malaysia system education . i have my fren study at oz they said malaysian education and australian education really diffrent they a lot assignment and more interactive compare to malaysia higher education . Many country in asia have transform their education example korea,japan,singapore and thailand . Universiti Putra Malaysia vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Nik Mustapha said Innovation and creativity can only come about from educational curriculum that encourages thinking and not rote learning. we need to re-look our curriculum to see how we can make students more confident and have the skills needed to be the workforce of the future providing skills training for the very bottom-level workers, we can produce a technically competent workforce that is relevant to industry needs. My hipotesis that malaysian higher education should reform their curiculur same level with the globalization .



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